Ready, Set, Succeed! provides a framework and focus for students that are not yet college ready to begin to know themselves by strengthening their self-efficacy, preparing themselves by understanding how they learn best, and using those strategies to persist and complete their academic goals. These areas will be explored as part of small learning communities, or neighborhoods, which will include faculty mentors and learning support specialists, who will be success coaches.
A supportive community provides the foundation for a student’s growth mindset, helps them to identify their motivation for learning, and provides learning strategies to enhance success. SPC’s Neighborhoods for Success (N4S) will provide the structure, focus, and tools for our most at need student population of flexible opt-out students as they begin their academic pathway.
As part of a N4S, students will demonstrate mastery in each of the learning outcomes through collaborative hands-on activities, participation in neighborhood events, and thoughtful discussion and assignment completion. Collaboration with Faculty Mentors and Success Coaches through participation in their N4S will further enhance student learning by helping students develop their confidence in learning and allowing them to identify the learning strategies that work best for them to help them with retention, persistence, and completion of their academic goals.
The implementation of Ready, Set, Succeed! began in Fall 2017 and continue through Spring 2018 with a pilot of a small sample of students, representing two campuses, the St. Petersburg/Gibbs campus and the Clearwater campus. The students engaged with others in their neighborhood with face-to-face meetings and on-campus events, as well as online modules in a MyCourses course shell. The curriculum for the of Neighborhoods for Success was composed of the six modules below:
- Module 1: Why am I here?
- Module 2: How do I keep it together?
- Module 3: How do I know that I know?
- Module 4: How do I hold on to all of this learning?
- Module 5: How do I stay plugged in?
- Module 6: How do I keep it Going?
During the 2018-2019 academic year, the Neighborhoods for Success expanded to include an online section, in addition to the face-to-face sections at the Clearwater and Gibbs campuses. Students engaged in weekly meetings during the fall semester and bi-weekly meetings during the spring semester, as well as on-campus events and online modules in a MyCourses course shell. A champion advisor and peer mentor were added to the neighbors to help support the students. The course content was updated and revised to include the following:
- Mindset and Motivation
- Time Management
- Focus 2
- Metacognition
- My Learning Plan
- Comprehension Strategies
- Semester 2
The program will be available on six campuses starting the 2019-2020 academic year: Tarpon Springs, Clearwater, Seminole, Gibbs, Downtown, and Online.
Students attend a Welcome Event the week before the fall semester. College wide events include Off On the Right Foot (second Friday of the fall semester) and Keep It Going! (approximately week ten of the fall semester). The final celebration event for the N4S students, to celebrate their successful completion of the program and first year at SPC, is Let’s Do This! (approximately week fourteen of the spring semester).
Strategies From N4S That Will Enhance Your Work With Students – Discovery Day 2018
The Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck and Sal Khan - VIDEO
Start Strong: Mindset and Motivation with Sara Gomez and Milica Antic - VIDEO
The Mindset Continuum - PDF
Mindset Assessment Handout - PDF
Professional development activities and resources (from
N4S Titan Thursday - Time Management and Finding A Balance with Mike Crews - RECORDED WEBINAR
N4S Titan Thursday - Organization and Technology with Amy Clark and Amy Justice - RECORDED WEBINAR
N4S Titan Thursday – Titan Up Your Time with Christian Moriarty and Reginald Reed - RECORDED WEBINAR
N4S Titan Thursday – Titan Up Your Time with Sara Brzezinski and Jennifer Haber - RECORDED WEBINAR
Think About Thinking - It's Metacognition! - VIDEO
5 Proven Study Strategies Handout - PDF